Site Stats counts about 60.000 unique visits and 250.000 page views each month.Online:
Pages: 405
Images: 759
Tutorials: 107
Download Area Stats
The average file rating is 3,85 / 5There are 1.482 files in the database
The download button was hitten 11.371.120 times
The highest rated file is Lexus LF-A with a rating of 5 / 5
The lowest rated file is Jaguar XKR-S GT with a rating of 1,00 / 5
The most downloaded file is Alci's IMG Editor with 307.023 downloads
The least downloaded file is CLEO Redux with 566 downloads
The newest file is NaturalVision Evolved on 23 ago 2022
The first uploaded file is GTA Garage Mod Manager on 26 dic 2007
The average number of downloads is 7.672,82
The average downloads per day are 1.834,72